Since 2018, we have been categorized as a Leader brand by the Fair Wear Foundation. Does this mean our production is already completely fair? Unfortunately, no. Here is what the Fair Wear result means and why we still have a long way to go.

What is the Fair Wear Foundation?
The Fair Wear Foundation's goal is to improve working conditions in the fashion industry and make clothing production fair for everyone involved. To achieve this, all member brands participate in an annual Brand Performance Check.

Brand Performance Check
This check is the most important element of Fair Wear's unique approach to taking joint responsibility for improving working conditions in the production of clothing, textiles, and footwear. Fair Wear examines how well brands like DAWN have integrated human rights due diligence into their business practices.
Each year, companies' progress is scored and categorized as "Leader," "Good," or "Needs Improvement." We joined the Fair Wear Foundation in 2018 and have consistently been rated a Leader each year.

The 8 labour standards of the Fair Wear Foundation
- Employment is freely chosen
- Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
- No discrimination in employment
- No exploitation of child labor
- Payment of living wage
- Reasonable hours of work
- Safe and healthy working conditions
- Legally binding employment relationship

80 out of 100 points – our current Fair Wear result
In our last Brand Performance Check, we scored 80 out of 100 points and were once again awarded Leader status. Our entire production takes place in our own factory. This approach is unique in the fashion industry. The people who cut and sew the fabric for your sustainable jeans are therefore employed by us. This approach is unique in the fashion industry. As a rule, brands commission products and pay the suppliers for the goods. However, they do not pay direct salaries to textile workers because they are not employed by them.
This is different for us. And although this approach presents us with challenges, it also gives us special opportunities. We can work closely with our factory, solve problems quickly and comply with social standards.
Happiness goes beyond the paycheck

How do we calculate Living Wages?
For us, it goes without saying that our employees must be paid fairly and appropriately for their work. Using the Anker Methodology, we calculate the Living Wage. This exceeds the payment regulated by the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) by 42% and the statutory minimum wage by 81%. In addition to a secure income, we offer our employees private health insurance, which also covers one additional family member.

Living Wage vs. Minimum Wage
The fact that we need to talk about a Living Wage at all shows how problematic the issue of fair pay still is. Living Wage is often confused with “minimum wage”: the legally regulated income within a region or country. In Vietnam, the minimum wage is not enough to make ends meet, leading workers to take on second jobs, work excessive overtime, incur debt, and worry about the future. Fortunately, our employees do not have these worries. Nevertheless, it is still true that too much work is being done in our company as well.

All about collaboration
Fewer bottlenecks mean less overtime. Accordingly, DAWN is always aiming to synchronize with the factory in Vietnam. This means that our production team has a seat at the table when we discuss upcoming seasons, new products and designs. Together we collaborate on eye to eye level in order to bring demand/requirement in harmony with capacity and capability. Despite our efforts to streamline and optimize our production and development processes, bottlenecks still occur, particularly in the sample sewing department, which is frequently overstretched during peak times.
Highest scoring brand and recognition vs. impact and reality
Best brand of the Fair Wear Foundation, highest ranking at Good On You. Living Wage guarantee for factory workers.
If we compare ourselves to other brands, we can be proud and deserve a pat on the back. However, if we compare our actual accomplishments to our vision and mission, we must accept that there is still a long way to go.
The question remains whether we will ever reach our goal. Maybe it is not about reaching the goal but about getting closer day by day and embracing the journey.

Recognition, nevertheless, is important. It’s a driver and a motivator. Tip me is exactly this—a way to recognize, embrace, and celebrate those who skillfully craft your jeans.
DAWN collaborates with tip me.
What is tip me?
Send tips to the garment workers in Vietnam through tip me. It’s an easy, immediate way of saying “Thank you” and showing your appreciation. Tip me is a social company and our external partner who makes sure your tips reach their destination directly and safely.
Learn more about our collaboration with tip me here.